ETF Trading Research 4/2/2019

We got a few bearish signals today but not enough to take too much risk with. That said, after hours here I did put a buy in on half shares TVIX.

I am comfortable with the risk overall going short but we need some signals for the 5th time here. 5th times a charm possibly. But this has been ridiculous and I hope that the bulls say the same thing about calling a bottom for the 5th time and we get our 100 plus point fall and reap most of the rewards a fall will get us as we have earned it. But the move up I can guarantee I won’t miss once we bottom out.

Turns out my signals are coming in ok overall if I trust them and implement them immediately. So that’s what I am doing with UGAZ, JNUG and NUGT, but I really need to give these a little more leeway once they trigger.

Tomorrow I will look for some signals as well short the market.

We’re closer and closer to a top if we haven’t hit it already.

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